After the crazyness was over! Noah was showing me his loot...or lack there of!
Noah cannot keep his clothes clean so I made him dye Eggs with no clothes on.
Happy birthday Daniel, Chris, Amy, Whitney, and Jakers!!
Another egg hunt! We love Easter! Look at the size of those mouths! Noah's is almost as big as Chris's and they are 20 years apart!! Aren't they cute!
Goodness...March flew by and apperently, I need an update!
I always love Easter time mainly for the reason we celebrate it but also because it marks the begining of spring for me! (so has been a very COLD spring!) Jenn, Aimee and I took the kids to the Magna park for and Easter Egg hunt on Saturday morning. Noah was so funny...I am not sure what he was looking for but everytime I showed him some candy to pick up he would say "no thanks, not that" His basket was pretty empty when we finished! He did, however, get his picture taken with the Easter Bunny! After the hunt we went over to Grandma Johnson's to dye Easter Eggs (sorry for the naked picture!) Then Saturday night my Family came out to our house for Easter Dinner/March Birthday dinner/Good bye Shelby, Abby, Jaxyn, Ryan Dinner. It was a lot of fun. We had an egg hunt for the kids in the back yard. Then on Sunday, we headed over to Darrell and Kathy's for dinner and just to hang out. It has been a long time since everyone was able to get together...well, except Trev(we missed you!) but it was a lot of fun. The kids love to play altogether! So much fun. It is great to have such wonderful families to spend time with!
April is now here and we only have 6 weeks until our new addition arrives! Pretty crazy! Noah talks to Cameron everyday and tells him that he loves him and he is ready for him to come out and cute is he!!! Life is great!