Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Such Big Boys!

I am 9 months old! I crawl all over the place and love to get into everything! I pound on the table if my mommy or daddy are not feeding me fast enough. I want to eat everything than anyone else is eating but my mom still won't have it! I love my brother...he can make me laugh so hard just doing silly things! I have 1 of the 2 best smiles in the world..I can brighten a room! I also have legs that my mom can't stop scooshin....she says she could just eat me up!
Weight: 20lbs 10ozs
Height: 29inches
Head: 46.5

I am 4 years old!! I love everything superhero. I am very active and keep mom and dad running all day long! I am not a very good eater but I do love Pizza and Mac and Cheese! I want to go to McDonalds everyday (but only to play on the "toys"!) I love my brother and smother him with kisses and hugs all day long! I am the biggest helper to my mom and she says she doesn't know what she would do without me!! I am such a big boy!

Weight: 39lbs 6oz

Height: 41 3/4 inches

Friday, February 20, 2009

"Bug Tag" - Tagged by Becky....

How this works...write down 10 things that bug you and 10 people you tag...

1. Cupboards left open
2. Feeling like I pick up the same mess a million times a day
3. Road rage
4. Ben's many piles and little work notes ALL OVER THE HOUSE!
5. When it takes Noah 10 years to do anything that I ask of him
6. When teachers call in sick but sound completly fine on the phone
7. Telemarketers(sorry if that is your job!)
8. My dirty carpet!
9. The fact that there are 20 lanes at any grocery store and they only have 1 or 2 open...and there are a lot of employees hanging out!
10. When I was serving, it bugs how many people say "do you have a wheelbarrow in back to get me out of here, hahaha" Duh!

1. Aimee
2. Whitney
3. Jenn
4. Stacy
5. Cami
6. Tammy C.
7. Tami
8. Tammy B.
9. Ricci
10. Heather

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

11 Years

Feb 17, 2009 is the 11th anniversary of the day we lost my mom. I feel like I just blogged this...I can't believe another year has come and gone! A lot has happened in 11 years:
-I got married to the man of my dreams

-We were able to travel the world

-We bought our first house

-Ben started his own business

-Noah was born

-We sold our first house and built our 2nd house

-Cameron was born

-Job changes, lost a few more people that I love,enjoyed watching our families grow, etc.
It makes me sad at times to think that all this happened without my wonderful mom...but I do know with all my heart and soul that she was there through everything. I love you mom!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Bev had this on her blog...it got me thinking...what are my top 5?? I am sure you were all wondering also...well...wonder no longer!!

5. Breakfast at Tiffany's I have watched this over a million times...Ben can attest!! I just love Audrey Hepburn she is my absolute favorite actress...plus I love the era...so proper and classy!

4. Sabrina - The old one with Audrey Hepburn..I have actually never seen the new one!

3. Grease...I know this is a chick flick because my husband won't watch it!! I LOVE IT and have since I was little...I remember when I would stay home sick mom would let me veg out on her bed and watch movies..this was always the first on in...it always made me want a hamburger and twinkies...weird??

2. Only You...memories- Ben and I, cheesy as we are, watched this on our wedding night..before we went to Italy(I guess to get us more excited!!)

1. Where the Heart Is....I Love Natalie Portman and fell in love with the leading man...just in this movie! (Don't know his name)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

All About Noah....

So..since Noah's birthday was 2 weeks ago...I thought it was about time to post a little more about my baby turning 4!!! These are some pictures of his fun weekend. Noah got a Leapster for his present and wouldn't put it down! He calls it his DS..he makes me laugh! He loves it..mom loves that all the games are educational! Grandma and Grandpa Smith came out and took him all by his self to get some ice cream...thanks Dad and Sandy that meant the world to this cute 4 year old! Then b-day party with the Johnson's...Noah is not going to believe me when I have to tell him that your birthday is only 1 day...not a whole week! I love you buddy!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

This was too funny....

My friend Cami sent me this e-mail with the caption "Always Check your Childs Homework"...I found it too funny not to share with you all...enjoy!

(Here's the reply the teacher received the following day) Dear Mrs. Jones,I wish to clarify that I am not now, nor have I ever been, an exotic dancer. I work at Home Depot and I told my daughter how hectic it was last week before the blizzard hit. I told her we sold out every single shovel we had, and then I found one more in the back room, and that several people were fighting over who would get it. Her picture doesn't show me dancing around a pole. It's supposed to depict me selling the last snow shovel we had at Home Depot.From now on I will remember to check her homework more thoroughly before she turns it in. Sincerely,Mrs. Smith