December always seems to fly by. Every year it seems to go a little faster than the last. This year, we did not bake any cookies or banana bread. I did not make any Christmas candy. My kids did not get to sit on Santa's lap to excitedly tell him what they wanted. There was no snow for the majority of the month, I did not get pictures of my kids in their Sunday best and I did very little shopping for my family. Not a normal December. We did, however, make it down to see the lights at Temple Square, picked out the perfect Christmas tree and decorated it together, read the Christmas story, watched a lot of fun Christmas movies, and spent time with both sides of the family. Even though the majority of the month didn't have the "Christmas feel", we had a wonderful time. We talked a lot about why we actually celebrate the season. My kids picked an Angel from the Angel tree and picked out the one gift that this wonderful child would receive. They appreciated things more, they understood the holiday on a different level than usual. I love my family so much that sometimes I feel as though my heart is going to explode. I am lucky. I am blessed.