My little bug is 5 months! Everyday she becomes more smiley and full of personality! We just love her to pieces. Elliott adds a soft touch to our house full of boys! Noah and Cameron can't get enough of her and are already very protective of their little sister. This cutie pattootie has found her voice and finds it fun to squeal in her bed at 4am. Mom and dad don't find it very cute that early!! Her little smile melts my heart and the way she stares at me while I am feeding her just makes me so happy that she is mine!! Love you baby girl!!
She is such a little doll! Where on earth have the past 5 months gone? Must be time to do some more photo's!! Call me and we can set up a time. K??
STEPH!! She is so beautiful! I can't believe they grow up so fast!
So cute Steph!! I can't believe she's five months already. Are you pregnant again, yet? ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! jk
Love that the boys love her so much.
Awww... girls just make you want to say awww. She's darling!
i love her too she is so sweet those eyes just make you fall in love with her
She is so precious! Love her cute face. What a sweetie. Can't believe she is 5 months old.
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